CLIENT: TransGrid
LOCATION: Berrybank, VIC.
To provide the automation configuration, testing & commissioning support works for the greenfield Berrybank wind farm connection substation (BBW) and switching station (BBS).
Berrybank 1 wind farm is located in south-western Victoria, approximately 130km west of Melbourne. It is based on 43 Vestas V136-4.2MW wind turbines, with a total installed capacity of 180MW. It connects to the grid via a new 220kV overhead transmission line and a switching station into the existing 220kV Ballarat-Terang transmission line, provided by TransGrid.
TransGrid engaged APD to provide the automation configuration, testing & commissioning support works for the greenfield Berrybank wind farm connection substation (BBW) and switching station (BBS).
- Configuration of new CGI Data Concentrator and ClearSCADA HMI using the TransGrid SAS (Substation automation system) tool;
- Pre-FAT (Factory Acceptance Testing), FAT;
- SCAT (SCADA Compliance & Acceptance Testing);
- Updating PRIM & TFS as required;
- Commissioning Support.