CLIENT: Enerven / ElectraNet
LOCATION: Adelaide, SA.
APD Engineering was engaged by Enerven / Electranet to produce the Detail Design of 275/66kV Substation at Snapper Point and 275kV Transmission Line Design between Snapper Point and Pelican Point substations.
TNU initiated developing the Snapper Point Power Station at Harbor, SA and the works involved relocation of five generators. The new power station is to operate as a peaking plant primarily operating on natural gas but can switch to liquid fuel.
APD Engineering was engaged to provide Detailed Design Services for the works below:
The new Snapper Point 275/66kV substation comprising of two 140MVA Power Transformers, three 275kV Bays, two 66kV Bays.
The existing Pelican Point comprised of three 275kV Bays, Synchronising and protection coordination with Pelican Point power station.
The connection between the new Snapper Point and the existing Pelican Point substations comprises of approximately 400m of 275kV Transmission Line.
- Design for Civil, Structural, Primary & Secondary systems for 275/66kV Substation at Snapper Point;
- Design augmentation for Civil, Structural, Primary & Secondary systems for 275kV Substation at Pelican Point;
- Complete 275kV Transmission Line Design between Snapper Point and Pelican Point Substations;
- Design of SCADA and Communications equipment for new plant and protection requirements including interfacing with power station;
- Develop Energisation Sequence Plan along with Temporary Protection Request and ITPs.