CLIENT: Energy Australia
LOCATION: Tallawarra Power Station, Yallah NSW.
Perform a Grid Connection Study, Scope Development, Budget Estimates, Schedule Development, Concept & Detailed Designs.
APD Engineering was engaged by Energy Australia (EA) to carry out a grid connection study to assess the local network & determine what upgrades were required to allow connection of a further 300-450MW extra generation to the Endeavour Energy’s (EE) 132kV Tallawarra Switching Station.
It will be Australia’s first net-zero emissions plant, which will use a blend of green hydrogen and natural gas.
Upon completion of the connection study, EA engaged APD to develop a detailed scope of work, project schedules & costing for the entire design & construct package of grid connection works.
This information was used by EA in assessing the overall project’s feasibility. Upon identification of the long lead-items & tight time frames during design, procurement & construction, APD was engaged to complete 30% detailed designs to avoid pushing out the end date of the entire project.
Most recently APD has been engaged to complete detailed design works & are now progressing all of the following packages towards completion. All the below packages are designed & delivered in house by APD staff:
- 132kV Switching Station Extension Bay Extension – Primary, Secondary, SCADA/Automation, Civil/Structural, Protection, Earthing;
- New 132kV Transmission Line Design – Electrical, Line Design, Tower Modelling;
- Foreshore Tower Line Removal – Tower Modelling, Tower Strengthening, Constructability Review;
- OPGW Upgrades – Electrical Studies, Tower Modelling;
- Construction Power – ASP3 11kV/LV Substation Design, Private MSB & Cable Route Design.
- Grid connection study;
- Definition of Grid connection scope;
- Development of D&C budget estimates & schedule;
- Concept designs for construction budgeting;
- Detailed design.