CLIENT: BHP Billiton Iron Ore (BHPBIO)
APD Engineering was hired to perform design & implementation of the Power Load Management Control System & Network Upgrade.
BHPBIO has a Load Management PLC which is an interface between Yarnima power Station(YPS) and all WAIO mine sites. The PLC manages the starting of larger equipment (conveyors, crushers, etc.), confirming adequate spinning reserve at Yarnima, before accepting the start requests. If any part of the current installation fails, start requests are not received by YPS, requiring manual intervention. Additionally, the Load Management System network was implemented using media converters which made network troubleshooting due to optical fibre faults difficult.
APD Engineering was hired to improve reliability of the PLMS system by removing the frequent reliance on manual intervention, better network monitoring via managed switches and facilitating quicker fault-finding through improved and more intuitive Citect SCADA displays.
- Detailed Design;
- Procurement;
- PLC & SCADA Development;
- Network Equipment Configuration;
- Factory Acceptance Testing;
- Site Commissioning.