CLIENT: nbn Co.
LOCATION: Western Australia.
Independent Technical Review and Certification of nbn Co Assets Power Supply
APD completed the following as part of the project’s scopes:
- Technical review and assessment of the design drawings to AS/NZS3000:2007 Amdt:2012, Western Australia Electrical Requirement (WAER) 2014, Western Power’s Western Australia Distribution Connection Manual (WADCM), Utility Codes of Practice, Western Power’s Unmetered Connection Standard, and Western Power’s Distribution Catalogue Manuals;
- Presented comments/feedback with recommended list of changes in ease-to-read tabular format allowing traceability of the comments/feedback following discussions between nbn Co and APD;
Seeked additional information and clarification rom vendors on material specifications installed under the nbn Co’s proposed arrangement; - Provided red-line marked-up on the reviewed design drawings to accompany the comments/feedback;
- NPER/CPEng Certification of the final design drawings’ compliance to relevant Standards, Regulations, and Guidelines.
- Technical review and assessment;
- Engineering technical support;
- Engineering and design NPER/CPEng certification.