LOCATION: Moonyoonooka, WA
Provision of electrical engineering design and field services for large scale commercial development.
APD were engaged to provide the following services for this multi-stage commercial development:
- Detailed HV & LV underground and overhead electrical designs to Western Power standards;
- Detailed fibre-ready 3rd party pit & pipe reticulation designs to NBN Co & Telstra standards;
- Detailed design of Recloser pole structure to AS7000 standards;
- Detailed design of custom 2MVA 33kV/6.6kV substation compound to AS2067 standards;
- Load flow, fault level & protection system modelling with DIgSilent PowerFactory software;
- Detailed earthing design and analysis using CDEGS software to ENA EGO:2010, AS3835.2, AS4853 and Western Power standards;
- Street lighting design using AGi32 software to meet AS1158 and Council requirements;
- Project management and liaison with Western Power & NBN Co to ensure respective engineering design compliances;
- HV switching, testing & commissioning of new HV equipment on customer private network;
- Ongoing HV switching support during operational life of customer private network;
- Ongoing technical support throughout design and construction phases.
- Project Management;
- Detailed Electrical Distribution Design;
- Detailed Pole Structure & Lines Design;
- Detailed HV Substation Compound Design;
- Power Systems Modelling & Analysis;
- Detailed Earthing Design;
- HV Submission Report;
- HV Switching, Testing & Commissioning.